Saturday, April 30, 2011

This weekend.....

What are you up to this weekend? I am getting a Keratin treatment and doing some shopping in Manhattan. Here are some things I hope to find:

Zara heels (knock off of CL Louboutin)
some summer skirts & dresses--I am determined to wear more COLOR

What items are on your wishlist??

Thursday, April 28, 2011

SHHHhhhh---I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!

Yes, I am excited about the royal wedding! I have gathered from coworkers, message board pps and others that this is over the top shite and they are sick of it, but I am not. I'm not exactly sure why it is so important to me or what it represents but I can't wait. Maybe it's because I didn't have my own traditional wedding or maybe just because the idea of royalty is still intriguing to me. I am not just watching for the dress; I want the see the whole shebang. I love the precision of the military procession and the well-wishers that camp out to get a view of the spectacle.
Although many may find it silly or, at worst, pathetic, I am having my own little Royal Wedding watching party with petit fours, champagne and I might even dress up:) I am pretty sure my husband will humor me and watch with me as he lived in the UK for 5 years and a bit attached to British culture. Even if you aren't that into it or find it silly, who can resist seeing 2 really beautiful people commit to each other and a "commoner" become a princess? Set your alarms for 4.....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How do you define healthy?

This semester, one of the contexts for what I am teaching is all about health. Doing enough exercise, sleeping enough and eating healthy are focal points. While teaching the foreign language vocabulary, I emphasize how important it is to drink water (not Monster, Red Bull, etc.) and eat fruits and veggies. I believe in practicing what I preach so I thought about my own way of eating. How do you define eating healthy? For some people, this means strict vegan; others equate it with ordering salad with their KFC or Big Mac. I get that we all need to eat more fruits and vegetables--- I like these so I don't consider it too demanding. However, how do you eat healthy when you go to a restaurant? Do you ask for sauce on the side and grill waiters about preparation? I don't think I have it in me to obsess quite that much about it so I am trying to figure out a happy medium. I thought I would try out a new vegetable on Monday---kale. I was super excited that I found a very yummy sounding recipe for kale chips! Only added a tiny bit of olive oil and sea salt and thought they tasted okay and very chip like. However, my husband looked at it as if it were a steaming pile of shit. He is not a jerk at all and not a picky eater but was very worried about the crispiness and darkness around edges saying it was possibly carcinogenic. I had the biggest wtf moment as I was really trying to incorporate a new vegetable. But I totally get what he was saying and, since he is a science person, I do trust his judgment. So, what do you think? How do you define healthy eating? How often do you splurge/cheat/treat/indulge?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

When is "ready" ready?

The age old question---Am I ready to be a parent? I have been wondering about this for about 5-7 years now. I see babies and feel such a pull but, at the same time, is that really enough? Does that mean I should try to get pregnant? For all I know, the question could be purely academic. Maybe I wouldn't be able to conceive so easily.......I am 34 now and the clock is ticking very loudly. However, as a teacher, I see kids who are impossible, have a million problems, and are very unpleasant to be around. Honestly, only about 2% of the school population but it makes me worry.....would my kid be like that?
As a woman these days, I do feel blessed to have choices. There was a time when birth control was very inaccessible and it was much more socially unacceptable to not have given birth by this time in my life. Also, I have a wonderful husband who would be more than willing to share responsibilities, but it is so hard to make the jump. How do you know for sure that this is the right decision? Don't some parents feel regret at going down this road? I have never heard anyone vocalize this but it seems natural that someone would feel this way when faced with a really difficult child. Any advice? Words of wisdom? How did you know before jumping?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are they worth it?

What are your feelings on high-end or "it" bags? I like the idea of having one (or 3) classic, really luxe bags but am unsure how to define a classic or something that I will want to keep for years. I did the whole Louis Vuitton Speedy a few years ago and, while it is a classic look, I found the material too constricting and not really worth the price. Also, if you spend the dough on a really nice bag, don't you want it to FEEL nice and worth it? I just couldn't justify 700$ on a classic bag that was from canvas material and not leather. Currently, I am lusting over the Chloe Paraty and the Balenciaga work bag. They prices are sky high, to me, so it would definitely be a splurge and a reward for my upcoming raise next year.