Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ciao Bellas!

We are off to Italy tomorrow so I won't be blogging for the next couple of weeks but I promise great pictures and stories when I return. I can't believe the time has arrived; it feels as if this trip has been planned for ages. I am so excited about seeing in-laws and exploring the Italian countryside. Here are some lovely pictures of the Marche region where we will be staying the majority of the time.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Reasons why I love him.....

This morning, I dedicate this post to my husband. The past couple of days I was just thinking about why I love him and all the little quirks and characteristics that define him. I guess the origin of this post started with a stray cat in our neighborhood. He noticed this cat that seemed abandoned and definitely disheveled; he then went out and bought cat food and has been caring for it. This is such a simple gesture but yet quintessential "R". I love that he can be so tender and sensitive to others.  Another quality that I adore is his sense of humor and the way that we share this trait. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh really hard; this is so much more important that I ever would have thought it would be. I have the tendency to take things too seriously especially myself. He is the perfect complement as he reminds me to put things in perspective and not overreact. He also has the patience of a saint; he put up with my curmudgeonly, difficult father living with us during 3 different periods--enough said!
Perhaps the most caring yet maddening way that he shows love is his view on having children. We are both a bit ambivalent on this but time is a-ticking so I brought it up recently. He reiterated what he has said before "it's up to you babe". I made him clarify as this was not enough for me---this is a major life decision that has real repercussions in years to come either way we decide! He simply told me that he is fine with leaving it up to me---that I was enough to make him happy but he would love having children if that's what I wanted. This doesn't exactly  make the decision any easier but I so love him for loving me enough to be okay with whichever path I feel comfortable with.
Sorry to be so mushy but I felt like getting this out! So, tell me, what do you love about your SO? What little foibles and eccentricities make up that special person?

Friday, June 24, 2011


For some reason, tattoos have been on my  mind lately. No, I'm not thinking of getting one....I think some of them are nice but I am way too capricious to commit to one and I don't think it is necessarily "me". I guess what is on my mind is how they are so commonplace today and how the social implications of having one has changed so much in my lifetime. As a child, I don't remember seeing as many and, when I did, it was much more of a male thing or a biker/military connotation. Also, it seemed to carry  more of a social stigma to have one in a visible place. Now, it seems that most people have one and it does not carry a negative association to have one showing. Even in my profession(teaching), which is pretty conservative, several teachers have ankle ones visible and one male teacher has a full sleeve. I find some of them so beautiful but I definitely opt for the smaller ones as opposed to really large, in-your-face ones. I find Nicole Richie's angel wings adorable and I like how small they are and delicate looking. I tend to dislike mentions of significant other's names or faces---aren't you just tempting fate? I think tattoos in other languages can be interesting but be sure you know what it says. Didn't Britney get one in Hebrew or Arabic that was supposed to be some really profound saying but it actually meant "strange"? What are your thoughts? Would you get one if you don't have one? What would be special enough to commit your body to this for life?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer is here......

Wow, this year seems to have really flown by and here we are at summer again. What are your big plans or goals for the next couple of months? First on my agenda is a long planned trip to Italy. R and I are beyond excited and are so looking forward to it. Other than that, I don't have any major summer plans other than to just enjoy the weather and free time and try to stay fit. Summer is such a easy going time for me since I have a full 2 months off and a completely empty schedule. At times, the lack of structure is a bit overwhelming to me as I am truly a creature of habit. What are your summer plans????

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

80's nostalgia

I'm not exactly where this came from but lately I have been obsessed with songs of my past. Youtube is amazing for finding those old songs and videos. Here are some of my favorites and associated memories:
Waterfront---Cry...for some reason, this reminds me of 7th grade and having unrequited crushes

Heaven help me---again, reminds me of crushes and being a nerdy chic w/glasses and braces

omg--who didn't sing this song when skating around the skating rink???

this reminds me of riding to school and loving the hook in this song

again, wished a boy would sing(want to sing) this to me--do u detect a theme?

It has been so much fun watching these videos and listening to the songs again---I can practically feel my teen angst again! What are some of your faves and moments associated with them?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Post secret II

Okay, I know this is just what I blogged about but I spent about 2 hours this morning looking at post secrets and some of them are SO GOOD!!! I think what I find most compelling about some of them is the angst and feelings you can actually feel from the secrets. Here are some more favorites:

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I love PostSecret

For the past couple of years, I have loved checking the new secrets/confessions each Sunday at   I just wanted to list a few of my favorites:

I have often thought about submitting my own secret(s)....what would you send?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Manhattan this weekend....

What are YOU doing this weekend? I am so looking forward to walking around the city today and, of course, going to Zara with a very dear friend. I am hoping to take in some nice weather, parks and sparkling wine. We are also going to see my friend's show at the Gotham; Danny is an emerging comic and I am so excited for him! Have a wonderful weekend......