Thursday, July 14, 2011

Back to life....back to reality

I am so missing Italy. We had such a fabulous time---it is hard to articulate it really. We spent the majority of our time in Senigallia which is in the Marche region and a few days in Rome. Before arriving in Rome, I was pretty sure that it would be my favorite part due to the many landmarks and cultural attractions....I was wrong. I feel that I got an authentic look at the real Italy in smaller town Senigallia---we were completely surrounded by Italians and we only saw non Italian tourists twice there. Rome was great but I constantly felt like we were completely surrounded by tourists and the places we visited (Coliseum, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, Vatican, etc.) seemed to be engulfed by touristy trap places and scammers---think Times Square in NYC. While it was amazing to see these places, I better enjoyed walking along the streets in smaller town Italy and talking to people who were not so jaded by constantly having to deal with tourists. All in all though, we really loved our trip and would like to return.
the B&B we stayed at was completely surrounded by sunflower fields
eating outdoors was so nice
checking out the market in Senigallia
beach time

going out at "la tartana" was so much fun  

at outdoor restaurant in ROME

Trevi Fountain in Rome---it was really beautiful
at Spanish Steps
got this dress at Zara in Rome on sale!!!!!
view from rooftop at our hotel, La Griffe in Rome

loved the exposition we saw at Museo Esposizioni--it was 100 paintings of impressionism, expressionism
at Museo Esposizioni
love awkward pics---don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me???? ;)


Sara said...

I like how you documented your trip so well with pictures and videos. Do you think you'll make a photo album like we have a lot of here? I highly recommend it.

Sal {Daniel and I} said...

Looks amazing as Italy always is! It really is the best country to holiday in -- I especially love the south of the country.

I hope you're still on a holiday high!

Sal x

Sid said...

Weird. Only yesterday I posted an short piece on my Italian Regrets. Places, I wish I'd visited - like ROME.

this free bird said...

I visited Italy once and it took 2 years to recover. Gelato changed my life.


this free bird said...

the necklace you asked about is melinda maria, but i don't think she makes it anymore. eeps!