Monday, June 27, 2011

Reasons why I love him.....

This morning, I dedicate this post to my husband. The past couple of days I was just thinking about why I love him and all the little quirks and characteristics that define him. I guess the origin of this post started with a stray cat in our neighborhood. He noticed this cat that seemed abandoned and definitely disheveled; he then went out and bought cat food and has been caring for it. This is such a simple gesture but yet quintessential "R". I love that he can be so tender and sensitive to others.  Another quality that I adore is his sense of humor and the way that we share this trait. There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh really hard; this is so much more important that I ever would have thought it would be. I have the tendency to take things too seriously especially myself. He is the perfect complement as he reminds me to put things in perspective and not overreact. He also has the patience of a saint; he put up with my curmudgeonly, difficult father living with us during 3 different periods--enough said!
Perhaps the most caring yet maddening way that he shows love is his view on having children. We are both a bit ambivalent on this but time is a-ticking so I brought it up recently. He reiterated what he has said before "it's up to you babe". I made him clarify as this was not enough for me---this is a major life decision that has real repercussions in years to come either way we decide! He simply told me that he is fine with leaving it up to me---that I was enough to make him happy but he would love having children if that's what I wanted. This doesn't exactly  make the decision any easier but I so love him for loving me enough to be okay with whichever path I feel comfortable with.
Sorry to be so mushy but I felt like getting this out! So, tell me, what do you love about your SO? What little foibles and eccentricities make up that special person?


ana said...

Hola! muchas gracias por tu comentario... de hecho hay muchos blogs en castellano! te puedo pasar una lista si quieres ;)! yo también estoy casada... casi cumplo 3 años y bueno amo mucho a mi esposo también... algo que me enamora es la forma en la que trata tan bien a mi familia, siempre es muy atento y nunca pone malas caras cuando estamos con ellos... eso me fascina de él ;) saludos!

Sara said...

You definitely have a gem in R :) But it is also a compliment to you that you acknowledge and appreciate that. There has to be a reason why he's so good to you! Here's an idea: print out this blog you wrote about your husband, frame it and give it to could even cut it down to fit in the frame better. All the best to obviously deserve it :)

Healthy and Homemade said...

The baby topic is so frustrating at times! I get the "when are you guys having kids?" question from literally every new person I meet. It's annoying, because we don't have an answer! We said we'd wait until we had been married for 5 years before we try. Now I'm at the point where I'm wondering if I will want to, even then. Yikes. At least your man will go with whichever decision you see fit, that is so supportive and loving! =)

Unknown said...

Aw, what a sweet post! You definitely found a keeper =)