Tuesday, August 23, 2011

end of summer

I can't believe we are nearing the end of August! I know that technically summer doesn't end until Sept 20th, but, to me, Labor Day always marks the end of the season to me and the return to work. I was thinking of what I hope to accomplish before that day arrives. Here is my list:
1. Visit the Rembrandt exhibition at the Philadelphia museum of art
2. Have another great NYcity day and visit Madison Square Park and have lunch on the green
3. get to the beach at least once
4. finally order my hardwood floor and new carpet selection--it is so hard to decide on woods, colors, etc.
5. plan and book my next vacation!

What is on your list to do before end of season?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Je ne sais quoi!

So, it seems that we will be going to Europe again this holiday season. My husband's family is there and we will be spending Christmas together. Along with this, we are hoping to combine our Netherlands trip with another European destination. Our 2 top contenders right now are London and Paris. I am leaning toward London because I have heard that it is amazing and magical to visit in December....but I am not 100% decided yet. Which would you choose? As far as expenses, London will be a bit cheaper than Paris due to Pounds vs. Euros. Also, something I read is that the museums in London are.....FREE to get in! How great is that? Not that the museum prices would be a huge trip expense but I love that aspect of being able to visit several museums for free. Regarding weather, I am guessing that the two cities will be fairly similar at that time of year. I am beyond excited about visiting either one of these cities but would love to hear from others.....which would you visit? Why?

Friday, August 5, 2011


Yay, it's Friday! What are you doing this weekend? It is my anniversary today and my sweet husband woke me up with a very nice card this morning;) Tomorrow, we are going into Manhattan and plan on getting some fantastic sandwiches from No7 in midtown and then having a picnic at a nearby park. I know subs don't sound particularly fancy or elegant but I am enthralled with them. The broccoli is my absolute favorite! Then, we'll probably do a lot of city walking and stop into a Belgian pub to make my husband happy. It is so nice being only a train ride away from the best city in the world!;) So, what are you doing this weekend? I love to know how everyone plans on spending it---cheers

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Anniversary time!

On Friday, it is my 9th wedding anniversary with R! I almost can't believe it....I know it's such a cliché but I really do feel that time has flown by. It really doesn't seem that we have been married that long. We are trying to plan a fun night out/weekend but can't quite decide between NYC or Philadelphia. We will definitely be indulging in a nice dinner, champagne and long city walks. I would like to buy my husband a nice anniversary gift but I am without a clue. Any ideas? I find it so much harder to shop for men than women. How do you celebrate anniversaries? Make a big deal of it or just another day?